Personal Growth Reflections of Life

Salty or Sweet

Psalm 34:8-9 “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.  Fear the Lord, you his holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing.” Salty or sweet, which do you turn to for a satisfying snack?  Choosing what snack to have is just one of our […]

Weekly Wellspring

Week #22 Romans 8:28

Am I the only one challenged by the statement by Paul that “in all things” the Lord works for the good of his people?   Really, all things in my life from the crazy, hurtful, disobedient, lovely, confusing, and …… he uses them all for good?  The words all and good are challenging my thinking […]

Reflections of Life Reflective Encouragement

The Journey

You can take the first step! When is the last time you took a moment to be quiet and listen for the sound of your heartbeat….dun dunt – dun dunt? Or experienced yourself breathe…the still air drawn in as it lifts your chest and extends your abdomen before the release…awe. I think it takes courage to […]