ADORE Series Reflective Encouragement

Adore Series the Wise Men

Welcome to the final post in the ADORE Series: The Wise men— Happy New Year!!! Did you know Saturday is the  Day of Epiphany? Monday January 6th marks the day to celebrate the day that  The Wise Men or Maggi arrived and worshiped Jesus the newborn king—“And he will be their peace.” (Micah 5:5Micah 5:5English: World English Bible […]

ADORE Series Devotion Series Reflections of Life

ADORE Series: Eternal Peace!

Welcome to the final devotion in the ADORE Series: Eternal Peace— The reflections of Advent are the gentle melodies that play in our hearts and are often drown out by the clamoring of the season demanding our attention.   It is the goodness of God that meets us in our moments of reflection to remind us […]