ADORE Series Reflective Encouragement

Adore Series the Wise Men

Welcome to the final post in the ADORE Series: The Wise men— Happy New Year!!! Did you know Saturday is the  Day of Epiphany? Monday January 6th marks the day to celebrate the day that  The Wise Men or Maggi arrived and worshiped Jesus the newborn king—“And he will be their peace.” (Micah 5:5Micah 5:5English: World English Bible […]

Weekly Wellspring

Week # 13 Wisdom Builder Isaiah 26:3-4

How often do you experience perfect peace?  We live in a world that moves at a breathtaking pace that leaves many at the end of the day feeling further behind than when it began.   This week’s  “Wisdom Wellspring” verse, Isaiah 26:3-4Isaiah 26:3-4English: World English Bible – WEB301 Moved Permanently Moved Permanently The document has moved .WP-Bible plugin, […]