Weekly Wellspring

Week # 26 Proverbs 29:25

Proverbs 29:25Proverbs 29:25
English: World English Bible - WEB

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“Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.”

The quote from Lecrae says it all!  Trust in the Lord and live free and safe rather than living for people’s acceptance. When we live in fear of others approval we are unable to experience the freedom Christ offers us.

It isn’t easy to see but the fear of man only permits us to live caged in the invisible fear while who we were meant to be dies a slow death.  Live each day free in Christ living out God’s plan for your life!

This has been a personal struggle for me that I shared about in “What will they think?”.  Click here to read more.

Be Alert~ Stay Strong~ Pray Always

Warrior~Princess Sherry

Welcome if you are joining me for the first time. This post is part of my weekly series “Wisdom Wellspring”. Take a moment to visit the page to learn about the heart behind the series and view previous posts.

Proverbs 4:23Proverbs 4:23
English: World English Bible - WEB

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“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”


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