John 15:5John 15:5
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“I am the vine; you are the branches.
If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit;
apart from me you can do nothing.”
Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate the bountiful harvest of life; the fruits of our labor, the blessings of family and friends, and most importantly the grace and mercy from our Lord. As we take time to reflect on 2020, the year of COVID-19, I’m sure we will find the principles of John 15:5John 15:5
English: World English Bible - WEB
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WP-Bible plugin very true in our harvest blessings.
I realize that we will all be looking at this year from different perspectives. Some may be scoffing at the word bountiful from their vantage point of pain. Others may be questioning where to begin because there basket is overflowing. Either way, I believe if we take a prayerful reflection from God’s perspective He will reveal the greatest harvests of the year were produced when we remained in Him not when we were creating on our own.
Our greatest treasure is not that which we experience on earth but what awaits us in heaven (Matthew 6:19-20Matthew 6:19-20
English: World English Bible - WEB
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WP-Bible plugin). So let’s reflect on our transformation blessings. Let’s give thanks today for our bountiful harvest of “spiritual fruit”~ love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:23Galatians 5:23
English: World English Bible - WEB
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Happy Reflecting!!!!
Be Alert~ Stay Strong~ Pray Always
Welcome if you are joining me for the first time. This post is part of my weekly series “Wisdom Wellspring”. Take a moment to visit the page to learn about the heart behind the series and view previous posts.
Proverbs 4:23Proverbs 4:23
English: World English Bible - WEB
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WP-Bible plugin “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”