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Week # 24 Psalm 56:3
Fear has the power to grip us to the point of making us believe we are powerless. Our response to fearful situations reveals our power level and our level of vision clarity provided by our life lenses. The last few weeks we have learned about staying powered up and the importance of clear vision to help […]
Revisiting the essentials for life: “Oxygen is essential to life!” Just like redemption is essential for eternal life. Both Breathing and and redemption call us to a place of surrender and release. How is your spiritual breathing? Have you been holding your breath too long? Take a deep breath. Hold it…..keep holding it….okay BREATHE. I […]
Week # 17 Psalm 103:11-12
God’s love crescendos with His forgiveness of His people; those who fear Him. Our minds struggle to comprehend the vastness of the universe and the complexity of the heavens so no wonder we are left awe struck by the love of God for us. I personally wander between the solid foundation of my belief in […]