Devotion Series

My Intentional Year

Each New Year calls us to keep moving forward. The old saying “time waits for no man” continues to ring true as the New Year rings in. Are you ready for it? Ready or not it’s time to embrace it and get in step with 2018!

Everyday counts, so step out today don’t wait for tomorrow.  Each new year brings with it  a newly determined  aspiration to be “better” at the end of this year than we see ourselves today. How do you see yourself?   What will it take to achieve “better” defined by you?   Maybe, for some of us, this “better” is the same picture we had last year. Either way, we have to keep moving forward with the purpose of being better today than we were yesterday. Taking one step at a time.

How can we do this? Through my experience it starts with changing my mindset: become committed to being intentional.  As a Military Spouse this comes with it’s own challenge of moving beyond the unknowns’ and what ifs’ that linger with each New Year.  Once I have navigated that minefield, then, I’m ready to write down my personal growth plan. Next step, I add some form of accountability to my initiative. Final step, I start, intentionally moving forward day by day.   What happens when I flub up?   I get up. I evaluate why I flubbed and keep growing. A great quote that keeps me going is “Action is a better regret than inaction”.   Do you agree? Would you rather regret flubbing up over never getting “better”?

Perseverance feels better than regret, so let’s get moving. We can persevere to “better” together this year. I would like to share “My Intentional Year “ planner (available at my website) so we can get in step together.  Each month I will be  focusing on a different area of my life to build intentionality into each day. The plan will gradually strengthen each desired focus area I am aspiring to become “better” in. Our plans will look different because we are unique, yet each will succeed because we are intentional.

What does it mean to be intentional? Webster Dictionary defines it with the following phrases: done by intention or be design; deliberate; purposeful; willful; intended; and knowing. Intentional is born from an intention; a form of directing ones mind and the action of proceeding on a planned course. Have you planned your course? Have you deliberately started out with intentional purpose? Have you flubbed up? What is your next step?

Maybe some of you can relate to wanting to focus more on your spiritual fitness.  That is always part of my plan for each year.  For example, a few ago years I had to tackle the want to become “better” at reading the Bible daily. In the past, I had many plans but they never seemed to work. Why? Because I had a plan in my mind: not written and no one knew my intention.   I realized that I needed to do more than just want to do it. I had to write it down and let others know how I was being intentional about reading my Bible daily.

I did it!   I was successful once I wrote out my plan and let my family and a few friends know my intentions. It started out small, with a verse a day and has since grown into two chapters a day and journaling.  This year my first intentional focus area will be eating healthy.   I’m excited to see where this step towards better health takes me.  Where will your next step take you?  I’d love to hear about your next step today.

Everyday counts, start today and join me on the intentional journey to “better”!

Be Alert~ Stay Strong~ Pray Always

Warrior~Princess Sherry

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do,

and he will establish your plans.”

Proverbs 16:3Proverbs 16:3
English: World English Bible - WEB

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