Wow it is hard to believe this is the twelfth week of 2020 already! Twelve treasure verses down and forty more left to discover this year. This week we will reflect on 2 Corinthians 7:102 Corinthians 7:10
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WP-Bible plugin with the purpose of storing God’s word in our hearts.
Godly sorrow. What does it mean to you? Can you recall a time that you experienced sorrow? Romans 2:4Romans 2:4
English: World English Bible - WEB
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WP-Bible plugin suggests that “Godly sorrow” is our personal awareness in response of the “riches of His kindness, forbearance and patience” towards humanity and us individually. The very purpose of the Lord’s kindness is to lead us to repentance because His desire for us is to experience His gift of salvation that “leaves no regrets.” I believe “the no regrets” it’s referring to is eternal life. Which is opposite of those who only have worldly sorrow– regret or sorriness of not achieving a standard or goal rather than in response to God’s kindness.
We all experience some level of sorrow and regret in life because none of us have the ability to achieve perfection in this world. I am challenged daily with where my sorriness leads me. I know I am naturally very selfish in my thinking and actions. This tendency permits me to regularly view life through the lens of my perspective rather than God’s perspective. Reflecting on this verse reminds me that I should be more concerned with how my actions or lack of action effects my relationship with the Lord and others desire for relationship with Him- “Godly sorrow”. Rather than personal regret or embarrassment for how my choice has effected my reputation, my opportunities, my relationships, or my life in general. I hope you get the point.
Recognition of the perspective we are looking at our life from is the first step in following the kindness of God to repentance that builds a solid relationship with him full of love and grace rather than empty regrets. Chances are as you read this something has stirred within and brought to mind a time when you too experienced remorse. May I suggest that the weight of any regrets we have now is pale in comparison to the regret we will experience in eternity if it is spent separated from God. Jesus spoke of the tormenting regret that awaits those who only respond to His kindness with “worldly sorrow” in Luke 16: 19 -31Luke 16: 19 -31
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WP-Bible plugin. The scene ends with a rich man in Hades. After living his life of luxury with a selfish perspective. The man is now living in eternal torment begging for relief as he peered into paradise where he could see “Father Abraham”. Abraham could hear his desperate pleas for water and cry’s for rescue. Abraham replied “between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.”(Luke 16:26Luke 16:26
English: World English Bible - WEB
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WP-Bible plugin) The rich man then begged Abraham to send someone to warn his five brothers who were still alive “so that they will not also come to this place of torment.”(Luke 16:28Luke 16:28
English: World English Bible - WEB
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WP-Bible plugin) My prayer is that those within my influence will experience the kindness of God and refocus their perspective to build a solid relationship with Christ.
Which lens are you looking through today? God’s perspective or yours?
Be Alert~ Stay Strong~ Pray Always
Welcome if you are joining me for the first time. This post is part of my weekly series “Wisdom Wellspring“. Take a moment to visit the page to learn about the heart behind the series and view previous posts.
Proverbs 4:23Proverbs 4:23
English: World English Bible - WEB
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WP-Bible plugin “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”