Reflections of Life Weekly Wellspring

Week #12 Wisdom Builder 2 Corinthians 7:10

Wow it is hard to believe this is the twelfth week of 2020 already!  Twelve treasure verses down and forty more left to discover this year.  This week we will reflect on 2 Corinthians 7:102 Corinthians 7:10English: World English Bible – WEB301 Moved Permanently Moved Permanently The document has moved .WP-Bible plugin with the purpose of storing God’s word […]

Reflections of Life Reflective Encouragement Tuesday Tidbits

The Power of Self

Can you walk in a straight line? How about with your eyes closed? With our eyes open and something to focus on, yes, most of us are able to walk in a straight line. But when the ability to see and focus on our destination is removed or interrupted we will end up off course. […]