How did we get to where we are in life? Did we just arrive or was there some intention behind the process that brought us here? For some of us we just followed the natural progression through the local school system. Then we were off to higher education or right into the workforce. But at some point in the process we became aware that the more intentional we were with our time then opportunities available became more worthwhile. Personal growth in the right direction doesn’t just happen it requires intentionality and living with purpose.
Do you know what your “why” for living is? John Maxwell says often “the second most significant day in a person’s life is the day they discover there “why”. That is the day they start living intentionally.”
In his book Intentional Living he shares three clues that will lead us to our “why”. If we take time to reflect on and honestly answer these three questions, we are sure to discover and declare our “why” with confidence. I want us to start here, to discover and declare our why, so we move forward with focus. Then our continued investment of time and energy in our growth will produce a lasting resource that will propel us in the right direction.
Intentional Growth Exercise:
Discovering your “why” questions~
- What makes you cry in life? Write about the things that break your heart and cause a rise of emotion. Are there things that bring waves of distress that motivate you to take action to better the situation?
- What makes you sing in life? Write about the things that make you happy, put a spring in you day, and might even cause you to break into song. These are the things that you experience or witness and you just can’t contain the smile that bubbles up from within you.
- What do you dream in life? Write about what you would do if you could do anything to create a better world? Write about your “what if’s” with no limits. Finish this thought…. If I could do anything in the world to make a difference in the lives of others I would……
Take time today to start answering these questions. Keep them at the fore front of your mind over the next week. Watch for the answers to evolve with clarity and resolution. It might start with just a word or you will discover a common theme. Once you have that aim to put it into a short phrase. Like my “why” phrase: “To inspire and equip others to rise above”. Then share your “why” with me. I would love to celebrate your “why” with you!
Rise Above Today!
SherryTo stay up to date with the “Personal Growth Connection” click here to subscribe.