Rules are just suggestions. Depending on your unique personality make up that statement will either have you shaking your head in agreement or cringing at the thought. Which one are you, a rule follower or a rule breaker?
I like to keep both rule followers like me and rule breakers in my life. Why? Because I believe there is a time and place for both perspectives on life. After all God created both personalities right. I had a little moment to people watch this weekend while waiting for a to-go order. I was parked at a busy intersection with a crosswalk. A group of four young adults were waiting to cross the street, the red hand symbol was signalling, do not cross. One of the women began walking into the street the other three pulled her back even though all the cars were stopped. She insisted that they walk now even with the red hand symbol. Her passion and confidence convinced the others to cross the street with her even though all the signs said no. She walked joyfully across the street leading her fearful friends. As an observer it looked like she had been that way before and knew it was safe to cross. I have also witnessed groups separated by crosswalk rule followers who hold there ground.
Whether you would hold the line and not cross or confidently walk on a red hand signal is just a little facet of your personality. The big question today is what is your attitude towards obeying God’s Commandments? Do you see obedience as an option or are you passionate about your obedience of the Lord?
Our obedience is our expression of love to Father God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Jesus said in John 14:16John 14:16
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WP-Bible plugin, “If you love me, keep my commands.” Ouch! According to this verse when we struggle to keep His commands we are also fighting to express love to our Savior. This week we will be reflecting on living a reflection of real love. One facet of real love in our relationship with the Lord is our attitude towards obedience. Is it one of obedience being an option? Because after all He is a loving and forgiving God? Paul warns us to not be casual with the Lord’s grace in Romans 6 and points us to to keep working out our salvation in Philippians 2. When we apply Paul’s teachings we will like with an attitude of passion for obedience to Christ’s commands, which He simplified for us. He took ten and made them two; Love God with you all of your heart, mind, and soul and love others as yourself. Love is what the Lord is about. The greats we express love to Him is be living a life close to His heart and being ready to obey the cross walk signs of life no matter what others see, say, or do.
It’s scary to think about but as I talked about last week we are not along on this journey we have the Holy Spirit to guide us and show us the heavenly go, wait, and stop signs of life we just have to trust Him enough to passionately obey.
Pause a moment to reflect and pray about:
What is your obedience attitude ………
How are you reflecting love to God…… and others……
Reflection and awareness are the beginning to growth and connection. My prayer is your prayerful reflections lead you to deeper connection with the Lord in a real love relationship.
Stay connected with week through my Facebook Page or Instagram where I share daily prompts and live videos that will keep us focused on our theme of real love this week. Women are also invited to join the private Facebook Group, Loyal Royals Connection, to keep the conversation and encouragement going.
Be Alert~ Stay Strong~ Pray Always
“Commit to the Lord whatever you do,
and he will establish your plans.”
Proverbs 16:3Proverbs 16:3
English: World English Bible - WEB
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