It’s Monday and another amazing week is in front of us full of opportunities to promote harmony in our home. Our homes might be starting to feel more like hubs as rooms are more multi purposed than before. How are you managing all the changes in your home? Are tensions running high as everyone adjusts to our new and ever changing circumstances?
The “Three H’s of Harmony” are hope, help, and humor.
We can experience and promote harmony if we remember and keep in our sight where our hope comes from and what our hope is in. I shared in Fridays “Fearless Friday” video that in the middle of the Covid-19 toilet paper crisis I had to step back and remember that my hope is in Christ and His promise is to provide my every need; not want. So I choose to trust Him to provide the little things because He has secured the big things like my eternal life with Him in heaven. I also have great hope that our nation will prevail through this current Covid-19 crisis as it has so many other crisis before. (If you are struggling with hope in our future tune into John C Maxwell: Leading Through Crisis, on Facebook, a message from my mentor and friend that is sure to stir hope)
What is your hope in today? How are you sharing it with your family?
Why help? Basically, we are stronger together. We can all provide a little help in our home, in our community, and through our social media connections. I love all the different ways we see people being creative and offering help to one another. Currently, my mother is in Hospice care at home, states away from me, down in Florida. It has given me the blessing of seen helping hands constantly at work in so many ways in their community and through my friends in the area. I started to think about what I could do to help and then I saw a posting from a Military Spouse friend about the challenges she was facing as she worked from home and now was surrounded by her children who she now needed to teach and monitor their school lessons, from home. It didn’t take long for me recognize I had an opportunity to help her and others that were facing similar challenges. I have an amazing communication tool to share that will help ease the tension and take some of the guess work out of how to improve communication within families and classrooms. Are you looking for some help in these areas? Sign up to host a free workshop for your friends and family. Just click the sign-up button.
How are you helping in your home, community, and social media connections?
No surprise, right? Humor helps us keep things lite and in perspective. I tend to be a little serious so humor doesn’t come easy to me. Don’t get me wrong I love to laugh and have a good time. I’m just not naturally witty. So I jumped on the idea I saw on Instagram by Fort Bragg PWOC to start creating fun chalk messages in our driveways or sidewalks to cheer those who pass by. You may have seen some of my Facebook posts of my sidewalk messages to brighten the day of all the dog walkers and random street traffic. It is the little things. Our family has also limited the news watching and started watching funny movies instead.
How are you bringing humor to your home?
I hope this little discovery of the “Three H’s of Harmony” has been uplifting. I would love to hear your ideas. Please share how you are implementing the “Three H’s of Harmony” in your home and community. I’m sure it will be an encouragement to the others reading. We are stronger together.
I hope you will make plans to host a workshop to learn a new way to connect and communicate with your family. The workshop offers the potential to not just build harmony in the home but also increase each student’s success in the classroom. I definitely wish I had this tool when I was homeschooling and my children were still in school.
Everywhere we turn from social media, TV, to magazines, and ads we find headlines aimed at self-improvement: “try the latest…”, “how to…”, “you just need ….”. I’m sure you can add more to the list. We live in a world that bombards us with messages that speak to our desire for more. Do you think we would […]
I have the privilege of leading a weekly woman’s Bible study. We are currently going through Stormie Omartian’s book and study guide “Prayer Warrior”. I don’t think many people regularly put these two words together, so it might seem like a strange book title to you. Either way I hope you will grow in […]
Revisiting the essentials for life: “Oxygen is essential to life!” Just like redemption is essential for eternal life. Both Breathing and and redemption call us to a place of surrender and release. How is your spiritual breathing? Have you been holding your breath too long? Take a deep breath. Hold it…..keep holding it….okay BREATHE. I […]