Combat Family Chaos Workshop

Event Details

This event finished on 07 May 2020

Grab your spot before they are gone!  Learn about your child’s personality and how to help your family manage the stress of Covid 19 in a positive way.
Please join us for a Video Workshop, hosted by R Connection Point,LLC, to provide families with the opportunity to soar on the wind of harmony. Join us for our next available workshop session. We look forward to serving your family.  Only 10 attendees per time slot.

Sherry Eifler ,the founder of R Connection Point,LLC, was a homeschool mother and she will be giving the training herself because she wishes she had this tool for her children. She believes it would have answered so many questions and removed communication barriers that stalled her children’s learning. The tools she will share with you have a portion for the student, parent, and teacher. The purpose is to help all three major influencer’s in a child’s life gain a greater understanding into what motivates the individual and how to help them excel in the ways that come natural. Awareness empowers each participant in the success and learning process.

Would it be helpful to know if the very words we use to motivate our child are possibly feeding their fear rather than fueling their spirit to soar? This tool can help us understand how to fuel the spirit of a child and be the wind beneath their wings as they soar.
Serving with You at Heart!

Sign up for a time on date that fits your schedule: April 29th, April 30th or May7th

10:45am – 11:30am (EST)

2:30pm – 3:15pm (EST)

7:30pm – 8:15pm (EST)