Have you ever started preparing a meal and discovered you have had your pan on the wrong burner? Once again I found myself wondering how in the world I didn’t notice sooner that nothing was happening in my pot that should be boiling any moment. As I reached for the handle it was very hot […]
Tuesday Tidbits
Here you will find mini moments of encouragements from the Bible Studies I’m currently doing with my PWOC Sisters and Burke Community Church Sisters.
Courage to Reflect
I remember that Sunday morning well. The summer sun peaked through the bedroom blinds before my eyes were ready to greet the day. Sounds of a squirmy infant and toddler encouraged one more attempt at squeeze just 5 more minutes of sleep before I faced the activities of the day. Then it happened– the whimpers […]
Warrior~Princess Reflections
Everywhere we turn from social media, TV, to magazines, and ads we find headlines aimed at self-improvement: “try the latest…”, “how to…”, “you just need ….”. I’m sure you can add more to the list. We live in a world that bombards us with messages that speak to our desire for more. Do you think we would […]
Can we be REAL?
Is anyone else tired of the walls and distance between who a person is and who others believe they are? Can we please just be REAL? Life is tough, no matter what stage you find yourself in it. When we chose to build walls and keep others at a distance it hinders the growth of […]
The Power of Self
Can you walk in a straight line? How about with your eyes closed? With our eyes open and something to focus on, yes, most of us are able to walk in a straight line. But when the ability to see and focus on our destination is removed or interrupted we will end up off course. […]
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