Personal Growth Reflective Encouragement

The Blossoming Dream

Have you ever randomly answered a question and wondered to yourself “Where did that come from”.   Then, follow it with a slight chuckle at yourself?   I have and I actually thought it was a joke until I began to see my “random” answer begin to unfold in my life.

The simple question I answered was; what do you see yourself doing in ten years? It felt like a joke because I’m an Army spouse so the most certain answer would be “moving”.   But to my own surprise I wrote down, laughing under my breath, I’ll write a Bible Study.   Then of course we had to share our answers with the group.   A funny feeling came over me as I spoke this random answer; “I’ll write a Bible Study.”   Little did I know at the time but speaking that out planted the seed to a dream I never thought could happen. See I’m not a writer! I’m not joking my English teachers would be nodding their heads vigorously right now if we could ask them.

The dream seed sat dormant in me for many years, completely hidden from my view. At the same time, the Lord was at work nourishing and watering the dream He had planted in my heart. Later it began to grow, blossom, and even bear fruit! It took ten years of cultivation but ten years later the Lord has brought forth the dream He planted with in me! In 2008 I jokingly answered the question and in 2018 I’ve written and am publishing a Bible Study~ “Royal Reflections- The Making of a Warrior Princess”. This Bible Study is a testament to never doubt the Lord because He uses the weak and foolish things of this world to show His wisdom and strength. (1 Corinthians 1:21 -311 Corinthians 1:21 -31
English: World English Bible - WEB

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What dream do you have waiting to be spoken and cultivated in your heart that will bear fruit for the Kingdom of God?

What do you see yourself doing in ten years?

Write it down~

Share it with a friend today and be ready to see it blossom and grow!

Be Alert~ Stay Strong~ Pray Always


“Commit to the Lord whatever you do,

and he will establish your plans.”

Proverbs 16:3Proverbs 16:3
English: World English Bible - WEB

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