Personal Growth Reflective Encouragement

The Blossoming Dream

Have you ever randomly answered a question and wondered to yourself “Where did that come from”.   Then, follow it with a slight chuckle at yourself?   I have and I actually thought it was a joke until I began to see my “random” answer begin to unfold in my life. The simple question I answered was; […]

Weekly Wellspring

Week # 9 Wisdom Builder Romans 6:23

Weekly, I have the privilege of preparing scripture cards for my family and a mini post for those who are joining me on the “Wisdom Wellspring” journey to put the treasure of God’s word in our hearts each week.  My preparation includes: writing out the verse of the week on six index cards for each of […]

Reflections of Life Reflective Encouragement


Days run by like water flowing to the ocean- sometimes just a trickle and other times swiftly. Either way, they have an effect on the lives and landscape they run by and through. God’s natural design for the waters is to pursue the vast oceans as their ultimate destination. Likewise, His natural design for mankind […]

Reflections of Life Reflective Encouragement

What will they think?

  Can you relate to my “Sol experience”? It’s all about the art of dog walking. I prefer walking with my sweet Border Collie Kate. Those walks are tranquil time of reflecting through the wooded trail behind our home. Now it has become a “Sol experience”. What is a Sol experience you ask? Well it’s […]

Reflections of Life Reflective Encouragement Tuesday Tidbits

Warrior~Princess Reflections

Everywhere we turn from social media, TV, to magazines, and ads we find headlines aimed at self-improvement: “try the latest…”, “how to…”, “you just need ….”.  I’m sure you can add more to the list. We live in a world that bombards us with messages that speak to our desire for more. Do you think we would […]

Reflections of Life Reflective Encouragement

The Journey

You can take the first step! When is the last time you took a moment to be quiet and listen for the sound of your heartbeat….dun dunt – dun dunt? Or experienced yourself breathe…the still air drawn in as it lifts your chest and extends your abdomen before the release…awe. I think it takes courage to […]

Reflections of Life Reflective Encouragement Tuesday Tidbits

The Power of Self

Can you walk in a straight line? How about with your eyes closed? With our eyes open and something to focus on, yes, most of us are able to walk in a straight line. But when the ability to see and focus on our destination is removed or interrupted we will end up off course. […]