Reflections of Life Reflective Encouragement


Revisiting the essentials for life: “Oxygen is essential to life!” Just like redemption is essential for eternal life.  Both Breathing and and redemption call us to a place of surrender and release. How is your spiritual breathing? Have you been holding your breath too long? Take a deep breath. Hold it…..keep holding it….okay BREATHE. I […]

Reflective Encouragement Tuesday Tidbits

What’s Your Perspective?

The world we live in is desperate for us to see it’s point of view.  When is the last time you sat back to think about your perspective and how it affects your daily life? How much do you think our perspective influences our life? Our perspective shapes our life. We develop our view of […]

Weekly Wellspring

Week # 27 2 Corinthians 3:17-18

2  Corinthians 3:17-18 ” Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Lord is, there is freedom.  And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” Happy 4th of July!  As we take time […]

Weekly Wellspring

Week # 26 Proverbs 29:25

Proverbs 29:25Proverbs 29:25English: World English Bible – WEB301 Moved Permanently Moved Permanently The document has moved .WP-Bible plugin “Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.” The quote from Lecrae says it all!  Trust in the Lord and live free and safe rather than living for people’s […]

Weekly Wellspring

Week #10 Wisdom Builder Romans 5:8

This week’s treasure verse is Romans 5:8Romans 5:8English: World English Bible – WEB301 Moved Permanently Moved Permanently The document has moved .WP-Bible plugin.  God’s demonstration of His love for us.  He chose the proof of His extravagant, never ending love, to be one matchless in cost,  immeasurable in accomplishment, and pure perfection, all in one.  The one […]

Reflections of Life Tuesday Tidbits

Cooking on the Wrong Burner

Have you ever started preparing a meal and discovered you have had your pan on the wrong burner? Once again I found myself wondering how in the world I didn’t notice sooner that nothing was happening in my pot that should be boiling any moment. As I reached for the handle it was very hot […]

Reflections of Life Reflective Encouragement Tuesday Tidbits

Can we be REAL?

Is anyone else tired of the walls and distance between who a person is and who others believe they are? Can we please just be REAL?  Life is tough, no matter what stage you find yourself in it. When we chose to build walls and keep others at a distance it hinders the growth of […]

Reflections of Life Reflective Encouragement

The Journey

You can take the first step! When is the last time you took a moment to be quiet and listen for the sound of your heartbeat….dun dunt – dun dunt? Or experienced yourself breathe…the still air drawn in as it lifts your chest and extends your abdomen before the release…awe. I think it takes courage to […]