Weekly Wellspring

Week #10 Wisdom Builder Romans 5:8

This week’s treasure verse is Romans 5:8Romans 5:8English: World English Bible – WEB301 Moved Permanently Moved Permanently The document has moved .WP-Bible plugin.  God’s demonstration of His love for us.  He chose the proof of His extravagant, never ending love, to be one matchless in cost,  immeasurable in accomplishment, and pure perfection, all in one.  The one […]

Weekly Wellspring

Week # 8 Wisdom Builder Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust is something we begin to learn from the moment we take our first breath.  We trust unknowingly most of our early years.  Until one day we experience something that is hurtful or scary.  Unexpectedly, the pain and fear awakens us to the reality that not everything or person is worthy of our complete trust.  […]

Tuesday Tidbits

Walls or Bridges?

Walls or Bridges? I was leading a Bible study group through Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer when this “tidbit” rocked my world. I hope you are encouraged. In this study, at the end of each study day, she asks us to write down our “Actionable Intel”(a personal take a way). This particular day we […]

Weekly Wellspring

Week # 3 Wisdom Builder Matthew 22:37-39

Matthew 22:37-39Matthew 22:37-39English: World English Bible – WEB301 Moved Permanently Moved Permanently The document has moved .WP-Bible plugin is our focus verse this week as we pursue “what pleases the Lord”(Ephesians 5:10Ephesians 5:10English: World English Bible – WEB301 Moved Permanently Moved Permanently The document has moved .WP-Bible plugin).   Jesus gives clear guidance on “what pleases the Lord” when […]

Reflections of Life Reflective Encouragement


Days run by like water flowing to the ocean- sometimes just a trickle and other times swiftly. Either way, they have an effect on the lives and landscape they run by and through. God’s natural design for the waters is to pursue the vast oceans as their ultimate destination. Likewise, His natural design for mankind […]

Reflections of Life Reflective Encouragement

What will they think?

  Can you relate to my “Sol experience”? It’s all about the art of dog walking. I prefer walking with my sweet Border Collie Kate. Those walks are tranquil time of reflecting through the wooded trail behind our home. Now it has become a “Sol experience”. What is a Sol experience you ask? Well it’s […]

Reflections of Life Tuesday Tidbits

Cooking on the Wrong Burner

Have you ever started preparing a meal and discovered you have had your pan on the wrong burner? Once again I found myself wondering how in the world I didn’t notice sooner that nothing was happening in my pot that should be boiling any moment. As I reached for the handle it was very hot […]

Reflections of Life Tuesday Tidbits

Courage to Reflect

  I remember that Sunday morning well. The summer sun peaked through the bedroom blinds before my eyes were ready to greet the day. Sounds of a squirmy infant and toddler encouraged one more attempt at squeeze just 5 more minutes of sleep before I faced the activities of the day. Then it happened– the whimpers […]

Reflections of Life Reflective Encouragement

The Journey Continues…

What are you doing with the heartbeats you have been given?  Where is your life journey taking you?   Some of us are enjoying the ride and maintaining a steady heartbeat.  While others are holding on wondering what is around the next corner, with hearts beating out of their chest.  Wherever you’re at along this […]

Reflections of Life Reflective Encouragement

The Journey

You can take the first step! When is the last time you took a moment to be quiet and listen for the sound of your heartbeat….dun dunt – dun dunt? Or experienced yourself breathe…the still air drawn in as it lifts your chest and extends your abdomen before the release…awe. I think it takes courage to […]