What is it that first drew you to your Savior? What draws you today to your Savior? Theses are questions that I found myself reflecting on as Easter approached. Our answers to these questions may very or they may be the same. Either way each of us are most likely drawn for a reason that falls somewhere in the realm of His love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, His bountiful fruit (kindness, goodness, gentleness, peace, patience, joy, faithfulness, and self-control), or promise of eternity with Him.
Personally, I find that my reasons change with the seasons of my life. I was first drawn by His kindness to forgive. As I grow in relationship with the Lord I find myself drawn to Him for ever changing reasons that are determined by my life circumstances.
As we travel the mountains and the valleys of life our needs in our relationship with God change. It is on this journey that we experience the multi facets of our steadfast faithful creator God. In this season of my life I am drawn closer to Him by His gentleness as He teaches me how to navigate some very tenacious terrain. While navigating these uncomfortable unknowns I came across Proverbs 27:21Proverbs 27:21
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WP-Bible plugin; “The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but people are tested by their praise.” It challenged me to choose to praise the Lord even through the unknown terrain of life. Psalms is full of examples of David and others who were facing difficulties and chose to praise the Lord no matter their circumstances. All throughout the New Testament we are called to rejoice, be thankful, be joyful, and be full of praise in all circumstances.
Why is praise so important? I think it is because when we live a life of praise we raise the curiosity level of those around us. It also magnifies our example of living as Christ which in turn increases their draw to our Savior. It all comes together when “we know and rely on the love God has for us”(1John4:16) to strengthen and teach us to navigate our experiences of life.
The final reflection question for us is~
Do we live our life in a way that causes others to be curious about what draws us to live our lives in Christ? Does our life draw others to Jesus?
Where has this reflection taken you? I would love to hear your experience and thoughts.
Be Alert~ Stay Strong~ Pray Always
“Commit to the Lord whatever you do,
and he will establish your plans.”
Proverbs 16:3Proverbs 16:3
English: World English Bible - WEB
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