Reflections of Life Reflective Encouragement Tuesday Tidbits

Alter Ego’s are Revealing

Altering our ego can give us a new perspective and in many cases new found confidence.   Halloween in America is a time when people do just that they alter their ego by taking on a masked personality through a costume that gives them a temporary new identity.   It can be fun, empowering, and enlightening all […]

Reflections of Life Reflective Encouragement


Revisiting the essentials for life: “Oxygen is essential to life!” Just like redemption is essential for eternal life.  Both Breathing and and redemption call us to a place of surrender and release. How is your spiritual breathing? Have you been holding your breath too long? Take a deep breath. Hold it…..keep holding it….okay BREATHE. I […]

Reflections of Life Reflective Encouragement Tuesday Tidbits

The Power of Self

Can you walk in a straight line? How about with your eyes closed? With our eyes open and something to focus on, yes, most of us are able to walk in a straight line. But when the ability to see and focus on our destination is removed or interrupted we will end up off course. […]