We all need to be reminded that we are loved, we are important to someone, and we are needed. If you haven’t been reminded lately I’m glad you found this today because the Lord put this on my heart for you.
He wants all of His daughters and sons to be reminded that it isn’t by chance that you have a relationship with God because He is the one who chose you and invited you into His family (Ephesians 1:4-14Ephesians 1:4-14
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WP-Bible plugin). He chose you to be in His family for a heavenly purpose starting with your relationship with Him established in love not fear and sharing His love with the world (Ephesians 2:10Ephesians 2:10
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WP-Bible plugin). He knows that your feelings and flesh are vulnerable to your circumstances in the world so He wants you to stand strong in relationship with Him. Be reminded today nothing that happens in this world can or will ever be able to separate you from His great love for you— the immeasurable love for you which caused Him to sacrifice His one an only Son for you.
Romans 8:31-39Romans 8:31-39
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WP-Bible plugin tells us that nothing in this world or any powers outside of this world are able to separate us from God’s love. All because we are in Christ and secure in the Family of God, in Christ we are more than conquerors. It’s time for us to refocus on our worth in Christ.
I shared earlier this week how quickly and sly a misleading lie can slip into our thoughts to get us to question our worthiness. Take a moment and think about what area of your life you are challenged with standing strong in your worthiness as a child of God.
I’ve been a little bit of a hiatus from my normal fitness for life routine. I’ve been using an app to help keep myself accountable and measure my progress. I returned from what I thought was at least a four plus mile walk and looked at my app to get confirmation. Oh the disappointment that came over me because the app had not recorded my amazing start to my activity for the day. I know it seems so silly but I was letting an app tell me if my efforts and walk that morning were worthy of being recorded and recognized.
I don’t think I’m alone in this, feeling less than, rejected, and defeated in moments when our accomplishments aren’t recognized in the way we anticipated.
I’m so thankful I chose to listen to the Holy Spirit’s prompting in my spirit that said, “oh no you are not going down this rabbit trail of unworthiness. You know what you did and you know the ONLY One’s who opinion matters, Jesus, who saw and smiles on you.” I want you to be encouraged to reset your worthiness focus back to where your true measure of worthiness comes from, who you are in Christ. Because of Jesus and our relationship with Him we are worth of His immeasurable love and our worthiness is based on His heavenly opinion NOT the measurements decided by worldly man.
It doesn’t take much to get distracted in the world we live in. We are constantly bombarded by the latest and greatest ways to make our life easier, better, and more fulfilling.
How do we stand strong and stay focused?
To maintain focused strength it requires us to intentionally take up and put on the Armor of God daily. Starting with the belt of truth so we can recognize the lies of the world. Putting on the belt of truth is the first step in not misplacing our worthiness and keeps us secure in who we are in Christ whenever the world tries to question our value to the Lord.
Here are the truths of your worthiness: the Lord has plans for you—He needs you (Ephesians 2:10Ephesians 2:10
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WP-Bible plugin), His love for you is never ending and nothing like the worlds expression of love (1 Corinthians 13), your success in life is important to Him— love God, love others, and share His reconciliation with the world (2 Corinthians 5:11-212 Corinthians 5:11-21
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WP-Bible plugin).
Now more than ever we need hold tightly to our worth in Christ and stand strong against any temptation to misplace our worthiness based on the world’s definition. The only difference between living a worthless life and a worthy life is, the answer to the WHY question.
What holds YOU?
Heaven? … OR … Earth?
Our answer to this question secures us to our worth because what holds us is what we allow to define us. My prayer is we all are held by heaven.
Stay strong and live your true royal identity in Christ!
Be Alert~ Stay Strong~ Pray Always